Landesklinik Brandenburg Landesklinik Brandenburg Landesklinik Brandenburg

1. Client
Landesbauamt Brandenburg

2. Project data
Scope of work: Stage of performance 1-8
Buildingcosts: 18,0 million EUR
Volume: 40.900 m3
Period of time: 1999-2001
Representative: Mr. Bollenbach, Mrs. Evler
Tel. +49 (0)3381/39-7450

3. Description of work
Conversion and Extension of the Forensic Psychiatry Institute

Because of the increasing number of patients it was decided in 1997 to enlarge the Forensic Psychiatry Institute of the “Landesklinik Brandenburg” up to 106 places total.

Several site analyses came to the result that a new facility with three additional buildings should be erected, integrating three already existing unoccupied buildings of the clinic.

The arrangement of the additional buildings defines an outside area the dimension of which refers to the existing areas and will serve as a central recreation area in the summer.

A sports field and therapy gardens in the area of the existing buildings complete the outside area. Because of high security requirements the whole Forensic Psychiatry is surrounded by a decreased wall.

The buildings no. 24, 25 and 26 which are protected by a preservation order were rebuilt to the original state of the 1920ies . After the reconstruction the historical proportions and colours of the rooms can be experienced once again.

The buildings were especially reconstructed to be used as teaching and learning areas (school), working areas (workshops) and for medical supervision (administration).

The simple and compact type of the three-storey therapy buildings (F1 and F2) allows economic use of the existing space and a great overall view inside the wards.

The extended corridor in one spot with its picture window in a retracted position opens a great view to the central recreation area and creates a pleasant room for patients and personnel.

Although the construction of the buildings had to reflect all requirements of the clinics guideline, the interior rooms rather create the feeling of a residential home.